Mission: Urban Arts Partnership advances the intellectual, social, and artistic development of public school students through arts-integrated education programs that close achievement gaps.
Each year, students at UAP produce thousands of original works of art, bringing inspiration, creativity and passion to learning communities where the arts are lacking. UAP tracks impact through rigorous data-driven assessments, measuring academic improvement, social-emotional learning growth, and artistic and creative skill development. The UAP’s programming is targeted to address specific aspects of the ever growing achievement gap. Arts integration resides at the very core of their work as they inspire education in the schools and communities that need it most. Their Theory of Change approach is arts integrated, student centered, and data driven to motivate positive student outcomes, such as: In 2016, 75% of seniors in UAP's Fresh Prep who had previously failed Regents exams in Global History, U.S. History, and/or ELA passed their exams. Students gained an average of 27 points on the ELA exam and 18 points on the Global History exam. Of the graduating seniors 82% received a Regents diploma. A study of Fresh Prep forthcoming in Urban Education found that Fresh Prep students had higher graduation rates than comparison students. |
$73,000 from The GMF has helped 50 middle school students, many of whom recent immigrants to the US, develop english language fluency, enhance their social emotional skills, increase their test scores, and use art to express themselves. The Urban Arts Partnership 39 West 19TH Street 5th Floor New York, NY 10011 [email protected] |